
The Woodbury Park map indicates where you can find some particularly notable memorials.

1. DR. Golding Bird
Golding Bird, who has an impressive pillar monument, was a nationally known Physician - Find out more

2. Jacob Bell
Jacob Bell, MP, was founder of the Pharmaceutical Society - Find out more

3. William Willicombe
William Willicombe has been called the "Cubitt of Tunbridge Wells" - Find out more

4. General George Middlemore, CB
The Peninsular War lasted from 1808-1814, and the battle of Talavera raged for two days and two nights

5. Sydney Smirke
Architect Sydney Smirke was the designer of the circular Reading Room in the centre of the Great Court at the British Museum - Find out more

6. Jeffery Hale
“The poor man’s friend... whose career of usefulness will long be remembered in Quebec society” wrote a prescient obituarist of Jeffery Hale in 1864. - Find out more

7. Canon Hoare
Woodbury Park is essentially
a Victorian Cemetery, and Victorian Tunbridge Wells
was once described by an Archbishop of Canterbury as: "a kind of sacred city"

8. William Fenner
The "intrepid horsewoman" Celia Fiennes arrived in Tunbridge Wells in 1697 to find shops full of "all sorts of curious wood ware, which this place is noted for"

9. Revd. Henry Thomas Austen
Henry Thomas Austen, an elder brother of the novelist Jane Austen, had a colourful life with three careers: a military one, a banking one and a clerical one - Find out more

10. Revd. William Law Pope
The other outstanding Minister of the "modern Jerusalem" was William Law Pope, who was Minister
of King Charles' Church
from 1829 until 1877
- Find out more

11. Charles Tattershall Dodd
The Tunbridge Wells Artist Charles Tattershall Dodd was born in 1815 and educated at the Royal College of Art, where he won a Gold Medal for drawing - Find out more